Sunday, March 30, 2014

THM (trim Healthy mama)

Ok how many people have heard of this book. I have to admit I have had it sitting on my shelf for over a year and still had not picked it up until this week. You see I have a big light go on this week in my head. I am still 10-15 lbs over weight from my son's birth.

It is my fault I have stopped working out besides the morning walks 30mins 6 days a week. SO I am to blame on this one. But all of a sudden I started getting sick a lot and tiered all the time. SO I thought it way my eating habits. I had been eating Gluten that I should not and sugar again. Ok and dairy. So I'm thinking not losing weight not eating right that's my issue. In all truth that did not even get me to pick up the book.

 Yes shame on me.... But after talking to some friends after church I was convinced to just run to the .99 store and pick up a pregnancy test. (the doctors are going to ask anyways) and go figure that second line way there in no time. And the lines never lye. So YES that is what made me pick up the book. I have not lost all my weight from Jedidiah and now we have another on the way:) Along with setting up a buss. based in CA. I'm crazy.  So saw the book on the shelf and picked it up I'm on chapter 8 and boy can I say over whelmed. I'm so glad they have a facebook group for beginners because I need it. I'm not even at the recipe part yet! And there's a great starter web site done by gwen over at gwens-nest. Here:
it really helped.

There is also a facebook group for us pregnant and nursing mama's:

~On a side note I have not for got about the blumm box but it should be here this week and will have photo's soon.

Also I have currently lost my pink camera so again no photo's for this blog. Hope to find it soon. I mean how hard can it be it's pink and I live in 900 sq.ft.?

So back to the book I have heard some really great things from so really cool people about this book so if you are using it please share your thought below. For those that want more info on the book you can find it : 


Thanks for spending some time with me :)

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